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Change the world

Event location: Bird Street Gallery, Nelson Mandela University

Event date and time: 12/10/2019 18:00:00

멀리있는 섬 [A Far-off Islet]:
The Art of North Korea

The exhibition, curated by doctoral student Ruehl Muller, is a collaboration between the Faculty of Arts, the Department of Visual Arts, the Bird Street Gallery and the Embassy of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. Featuring contemporary works hitherto unseen outside the country, the exhibition presents a rare glimpse into the often misunderstood “far-off islet” that is modern North Korea. The Socialist Realist works, imbued with rich metaphor, speak to the nation’s adaptive sense of self. The individual works on view come from a place of praxis rather than theory, reflecting the abstract aspirations of the masses and giving these tangibility.

This exhibition acts as a point of departure for Ruehl Muller’s research, which seeks to demystify the guiding philosophy of North Korea through an analysis of its aesthetics.