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Change the world

Event location: Bird Street Gallery, Nelson Mandela University

Event date and time: 23/07/2019 18:00:00

The Loerie Awards is the highest recognition of creative excellence in Africa and the Middle East and is one of the most sought-after accolades in the creative, communication and media industry worldwide. Being one of the provinces that produces many of the country’s top creative talents, the exhibition aims to inspire the next generation of media, branding and communication professionals to emulate and surpass the quality of work to be exhibited.

The 6th leg of the nation-wide exhibition will be on view from July 24 – 26 2019 from 9am to 3pm. 

The official opening of the exhibition will held on the 23rd of July, commencing at 18:00 at the Nelson Mandela University Bird Street Gallery in Central. 

For more information, contact Senzo Xulu on or 0723337596.